mercredi 17 avril 2013

Adventures of Zachry

In the XXIIIth century, in a post-disastrous future. Zachry, man in the grip of the hallucinations of the Old man Georgie, lives in a tribe little moved forward on the technological plan, confronted to the violent attacks of the terrible cannibals Kona. Meronym, an ethnologist stemming from the last bastion of technological civilization arrives then, come study the local customs. Succeeding in curing the niece adored by Zachry, this one agrees to lead her at the top of a mountain "taboo", supposed to live in harmful Spirits. Meronym and Zachry succeeds in reaching the summit and in starting up one classic art machinery, allowing to throw a call for help to the human beings living on extra-solar planets. While Meronym and Zachry returns to the tribe, they discover horrified that the peaceful inhabitants were attacked by Konas, which killed everybody. Collapsed, Zachry kills Kona which got drunk in a house, and discovers the young alive niece, hidden in a cupboard. Both run away. Chased by the band Kona, a fight takes place, who sees triumphing Zachry, largely helped by Meronym who followed him,in front of cannibals. Their link, friendly and cordial to there, becomes a loving link.

The end of the movie sees old Zachry and Meronym living happy and simply on distant one extrasolar planet, with their grandchildren by their side, whom they tell the adventures which they had decades earlier.

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